Uwielbiam jesień, ale zawsze mam problem z płaszczami i kurtkami, których mam naprawdę niewiele, i co więcej wszystkie są do siebie bardzo podobne. W tym roku postanowiłam zaszaleć i miłą odmianą w mojej szafie jest właśnie ten włochaty płaszcz, który widzicie na zdjęciach. Uwielbiam go i noszę bardzo często, najczęściej do najzwyklejszych tshirtów, dżinsów i do genialnych ortalionowych spodni od Mariosów. Mimo, że zawsze mam problem z wyborem czapki, ta skórzana, stała się ostatnio moją ulubioną. Według mnie razem z płaszczem tworzą bardzo ciekawy tandem!
//I really love fall, but I always have a problem with coats and jackets, which I don't have a lot. This year, I decided to splurge and buy the furry coat, which you can see in the pictures. I love it and I wear it very often, usually with the most ordinary tshirts, jeans and nylon trousers from MARIOS. Although I always have a problem with the choice of hats, this leather one, has recently become my favorite. With the furry coat they are forming a very interesting duo!
faux fur/Etam, top/MARIOS, pants/MARIOS, cap/Mango, bag/Sheinside, boots/Mango
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Comments: 37

//I really love fall, but I always have a problem with coats and jackets, which I don't have a lot. This year, I decided to splurge and buy the furry coat, which you can see in the pictures. I love it and I wear it very often, usually with the most ordinary tshirts, jeans and nylon trousers from MARIOS. Although I always have a problem with the choice of hats, this leather one, has recently become my favorite. With the furry coat they are forming a very interesting duo!
faux fur/Etam, top/MARIOS, pants/MARIOS, cap/Mango, bag/Sheinside, boots/Mango